Gloriana Fontaine

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Water, Consciousness & Intent: Dr. Masaru Emoto

It is a well known fact that the human body is composed of 70% water. Plasma alone is 92% water and makes up 55% of the total blood volume, while the Earth is covered in 71% water. Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered the effects of water quality, words, music and images on the crystallization patterns of freezing water samples. For instance, applying positive words such as love or ‘arigato’ produced the most beautiful crystalline patterns, whereas negative expressions such as ‘you disgust me’ or ‘hate’ produced distorted forms or none at all. The same effect was observed with clean, pristine waters vs. water from polluted sources – very much reflecting the state each was in.

Quantum Mechanics has shown us that we are vibrating beings. All our cells are in constant motion and resonate much like strings of a musical instrument, which is the basis of Hado. As explained by Dr. Emoto:

Hado literally means ‘wave’ and ‘move’. It is the intrinsic vibrational pattern at the atomic level in all matter. It is the smallest unit of energy and its basis is the energy of human consciousness. The theory of Hado postulates that since all phenomena is at heart resonating energy, by changing the vibration we change the substance. Conventional science in general still does not support this notion, yet quantum physics and in particular the ‘observer effect’ (of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle) clearly suggests we do alter our environment.

The shapes of crystals are altered through exposure to various electromagnetic vibrations and these vibrations are all energy. This speaks greatly to the energy we bring to any situation and how it affects our own body and those in our environment. The expressions of water and our own personal expressions are one and the same. The presence of hexagons in crystal forms represents the life force of nature; therefore, the absence of hexagonal crystals can be seen as a sign that the life forces in that area have been compromised energetically. The takeaway message is that anything in tune with nature is able to form a beautiful hexagonal pattern, whereas anything that is not doesn’t.