Being Empathic
Something I say quite a bit to my clients is "It's good to know where you end and somebody else begins." Being aware of our energy field and creating boundaries is so important in order to not get caught up in other people's emotions or energy states. Let me explain...
Empathy is defined as "the ability to understand and share the feelings of another." A more accurate understanding of empathy comes when we understand we are all made up of energy, and so being empathic we feelothers energetic states, ie their "feelings".
So when you walk into a room and one person is sad, one is angry and one is happy as energy beings, we pick up on these energetic states and it creates distortion in our field. Which one are we? Well without boundaries, our energy is picking up all those signals. Sad, angry and happy all at once and our field doesn't know which signal to tune to. So guess what happens, we get anxiety.
Unlike our native and aboriginal ancestors we don't learn these things as children. We go through life and one day notice when our friend is feeling nervous we too feel nervous.
Simply not being aware of our own energetic state, where our energy field ends and someone else's field begins, and our emotions, is not knowing our energy boundary line. The good news is we can learn this, create boundaries, and feel better. :) Working together with we dive into our energy field, figure our what is yours, what is others, what to leave behind, cut the cords and strengthen your own mind and emotions, creating boundaries you are comfortable with. :)
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