It all started with a prayer

It was September 2015 and my boyfriend, who I thought I was going to marry, and I had just broken up. That deep gut wrenching, I can’t eat or think about anything else feeling had come over me. I was heartbroken. As many heartbroken individuals do, I was scrolling through Facebook one day and came across this prayer. Having just bought a journal I took this opportunity to fill the first page with the following prayer. What happened next kicked me into high gear and led me down a wonderful adventure of healing and into the healing profession.

I AM now choosing to cleanse

myself and release any

and all thought forms,

beings, situations and energies

that are no longer of

service to my highest and

greatest good…

across all planes of

my existence, across all universes

and across all lifetimes.

I ask that all energies

that are less than love

be transmuted for the highest good of all.

and so it is.


Gloriana Fontaine