Keys to Higher Voltage

Many people today are talking about raising their vibration. For those of us at Biofield Tuning, we don’t necessarily subscribe to the idea of raising our vibration but rather increasing our voltage. Sort of like there many different types of batteries, however if they are low on voltage they won’t charge anything. As humans, we too have voltage, and just like batteries if we can’t keep ourselves charged we can’t run. Below is a list of the Eileen McKusick’s13 keys to high voltage.

  1. Sleeping 10pm to 6am

  2. Earthing/Grounding

  3. Breathing Deeply

  4. Consciously receiving love, gratitude and attention

  5. Hanging out with electron donors, not electron stealers

  6. Drinking clean, charged water

  7. Eating whole foods

  8. Avoiding chemicals, especially chemical scents

  9. Allowing your emotions to pass through rather than suppressing them

  10. Speaking your truth, laughing often and crying as needed.

  11. Singing, toning, or chanting regularly

  12. Honoring your natural inclinations

  13. Choosing AH over UGH

Gloriana Fontaine