Gloriana Fontaine

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Law of One: Your Function as a Listener

We would at this time emphasize that in your analyzing of your own behavior and your balancing of the various distortions, you pay special attention to your function as a listener. Many are the well-meaning instruments who feel moved to serve and who then err on the side of doing and talking. If you are talking, you cannot listen. If you are doing, often you cannot hear. And in serving others, the function of listening is central. Entities are seldom what you expect. Things that appear simple at first glance may be found to be coming from a bias in that person whom you wish to help which you must listen carefully to comprehend. And only with this level of knowledge achieved can the word or the action be appropriate.

Nevertheless, it is by far your central activity to be who you are. We ask that you seek diligently to find this, to articulate this, and to experience yourself as this consciousness that is you. Each of you is unique and utterly perfect. Each of you is a crystal in the sun ray. And there is a rhythm to the turning of that crystal in order that the shafts of beautiful light may flow through you in the clearest and most lovely manner, that you may indeed radiate to those about you, and indeed to yourself, for you are the great feeder of your own self. There is a great portion of your physical life which is almost starved unless that inner self that seeks turns to the self, accepts it, forgives it, loves it and grants it the power to be truly whole. As you come out of meditation, acknowledge who you are and grant yourself that power, for it is only as a portion of the one infinite Creator that you could possibly have that thought, and that is just what you are.
-Hatonn-The Law Of One

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(Dated: 1983 Apr 25)