Biofield Tuning

Quantum physics defines everything as a vibration. I effect vibration with vibration, using tuning forks.


Biofield Tuning

Biofield Tuning is a sound therapy method providing targeted nervous system relaxation, which can alleviate a wide range of health issues. It is based on the premise that the human biofield - the energy field that surrounds and permeates our bodies - is inextricably connected with our conscious and subconscious mind, including all of our memories. All physical, mental and emotional disorders can be perceived as "dissonance" in our energy field. Biofield Tuning is able to locate, diminish and resolve this dissonance and in doing so, alleviate and even eradicate the corresponding physical, mental and/or emotional symptoms.


Conditions improved by Biofield Tuning



Adrenal Stress

Digestive Issues

Menstrual Issues





Panic Attacks




Restless Leg Syndrome


And More...


Biofield Tuning Session

The sum total of receiving a Biofield Tuning treatment is that our energies become centered, balanced and integrated. The nervous system resets into a more relaxed place, resulting in immediate and sometimes profound relief from pain, tension and anxiety. In addition, one is left with an awareness of the workings of one’s energetic body, which can make it easier to recognize and overcome self-defeating thinking and behavior.

Coherent sound, as produced with a tuning fork, is like a vitamin for the body.

How Often Should You Get A Session

We suggest a series of three sessions, to begin with, generally once a week. Very often issues can be resolved or greatly improved within three sessions, but there is no limit to how many sessions one can receive. Each session builds on the one before it; there are always deeper layers one can address.


Biofield Tuning is not advised for individuals who are extremely ill as it may create a strong healing response in the system. As the body releases tension, any toxins that have been held in constricted tissue are released which has the capacity to produce flu-like symptoms, exhaustion, waves of emotion, loose stools, and in extreme cases (very rare) rashes and vomiting. Cancer, pregnancy, palliative care, and pacemakers are contraindicated in Biofield Tuning. 

Biofield Tuning

“I just had a session with Gloriana. Focus in. I have something to say. This Biofield Tuning session is the most affective healing modality I have experienced. And yes, the trans personal release sessions, cranial sacral, homeopathy, soul retrieval, chiropractors... got me ready to work this deeply. BUT THIS... is a whole new quantum cosmic, plasma field, biophoton, aether technology that feels like psychic surgery. And I have done it all... please contact Gloriana for a session. Blessings. ”
— Lalita

Electric Universe theory shows us that the Universe we inhabit is electrical in nature. But what about us as humans? Medical science has been entrenched in the chemical/mechanical nature of the human body, yet we too are electrical in nature.

How It Works

Tuning forks work therapeutically according to the physics principles of resonance and entrainment. Initially they resonate with whatever distortion or dysfunction is present in the body and in its field. Then, through the production of a stronger, more coherent frequency, they entrain the body into a more coherent expression.

When the corresponding signal of noise in the body, which is caused by a dysfunctional system, can be located in the field, the precise application of sound can cause the body to self-regulate out of the noise and into a more harmonious expression. (Note: – this may occur as far as five or more feet away from the body.)



Biofield Tuning is contraindicated for women who are at any stage of pregnancy, people with pacemakers, and anyone in treatment for cancer or other serious life threatening medical issues. Biofield Tuning should not be relied upon as health, medical, psychological or professional advice of any kind. Biofield Tuning’s intended use is as a method for self healing and wellness. Biofield Tuning practitioners are not diagnosing or treating any medical or mental health ailment. Biofield Tuning is generally considered a safe alternative or complementary health modality, but is not regulated by the state of New York.

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